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Currency Conversion

-- Foreign Exchange Services
-- British Pound Sterling, US Dollars, Euros and Chinese Yuan available
-- Competitive and convenient rates
-- Service available over the counter, or online

We provide competitive over the counter foreign exchange rates (British Pound Sterling, US Dollars, Euros and Chinese Yuan) and provide a convenient foreign currencies exchange service.

1. Reminder
For walk-in customer, if you wish to make a foreign exchange under 1,000 British Pound Sterling (or equivalent), you will need to bring your photo ID (e.g. Passport) and a proof of address for identification purposes. If you wish to make a foreign exchange of over 1,000 British Pound Sterling (or equivalent),you also need proof of source of funds accordingly.

2. Our Office
City Branch
81 King William Street, London EC4N 7BG
Telephone Number: 020 7397 8888
Fax: 020 7397 8877
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 09:30 – 16:00